
PIIN License

All photos on this site come with a Creative Commons license.

Please do not display or distribute my images in connection with pornography, hate speech or other illicit content, or in a manner likely to defame, insult, or embarrass the model or the original author. When using images commercially, please be respectful and responsible to registered trademarks and intellectual properties that might be seen on images. You are fully responsible for the usage of the image.


You don’t have to, but it would be nice if you link to my page when you use my images.

Yes, you can. If you edit the content of my images, they are no longer my images and I ask you not to credit me as the author. Any image editing will result in a new image. You are welcome to credit PIIN as the source of the image, but not as the author.

You are welcome to use my images for your projects.

Feel free to print out my pictures and give them to your friends.

Please email me if you would like to do this. 

© Made by Alexander Hecht